
How to choose your next goal

How to Choose Your Next Goal

January 01, 20244 min read


Hello, gorgeous! Today, let's embark on a journey together—one that's all about setting goals, creating your dream life, and becoming the amazing women we were born to be. Whether you're a seasoned goal-getter or just starting to explore the world of goals, it's always a good time to reassess and recalibrate. Life is a dynamic journey, and our goals should evolve as we change and grow. So, grab your favourite drink, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into the art of choosing your next goal.

1. Review (or Create) Your Plan for the Next 1-3 Years

Let's kick things off by taking a stroll down memory lane—your personal roadmap to the future. Dust off that plan for the next 1-3 years, or if you're feeling adventurous, let's create one together! Your plan is the compass that will guide you towards your ideal life. Take a moment to revisit your dreams, aspirations, and the milestones you set for yourself. Or begin to think about the life that you want to have!

Get clear on which goal you should achieve next so that you can get closer to creating your dream life. Plus get free stationery in this post!

What do you want to be doing? What do you want your home life to look like? How do you want your days to unfold? What do you want your relationships to look like? As you think about these things, write down the things that will need to happen for them to become a reality. Would you need to move house? Take up a language course? Create a monthly sinking pot for date night or mother/child activities? Write anything that comes to mind. The goal here is to get everything down onto paper. This doesn't mean that you'll implement every last idea, but it will give a shortlist of actions that you can then pick from.

If you have an existing plan, does it still align with the person you want to become and the life you want to have? It's time to reconnect with your inner visionary and make sure your goals reflect the journey you're on.

Consider what you want to achieve, experience, or learn. This is your chance to redefine your trajectory and align your goals with the incredible life you're creating.

2. Identify Goals that Make Your Life Plan a Reality

Now that your plan has been shaped, let's zoom in on the goals or milestones that will transform it from a dream into a living, breathing reality. Think about the aspects of your plan that, once achieved, will bring you closer to the life you've envisioned. Is it landing that dream job, starting a side hustle, traveling to a new destination, or perhaps mastering a new skill? These are the gems—the goals that resonate with the core of your life plan and make it more tangible.

If you wrote down a lot of goals or actions during the first point, this is the period where we'll whittle these down to what you want to do and what makes sense for you in this season of your life. Take note of what sets your soul on fire and aligns with your values. Highlight or circle them. These goals will be your guiding beacons as you navigate your life.

3. Sort Your Goals in Order of Impact and Time

Now, let's get strategic. Take a good look at your list of goals that you highlighted and sort them based on two key factors: impact and time. Consider the goals that will have the most significant impact on your overall plan. These are your big needle movers—the ones that can truly propel you forward. Simultaneously, think about the time it takes to achieve each goal. Some might be quick wins, providing an instant burst of satisfaction, while others might require more patience and persistence.

Get clear on which goal you should achieve next so that you can get closer to creating your dream life. Plus get free stationery in this post!

Once you've sorted your goals, it's decision time. Are you craving a quick win to boost your motivation, or are you ready to tackle the big challenges that will redefine your journey? Whether you choose the biggest needle mover or the fastest to execute, the key is to make a choice that aligns with your current energy, resources, and commitment level.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, this isn't a one-size-fits-all situation. Your goals are as unique as you are, and the journey is just as important as the destination. So, go ahead, pick that next goal with confidence, and embrace the exciting adventure that comes with it. You've got this, and the world is ready to witness the incredible woman you're becoming!

This journey of goal-setting is an ongoing exploration, a continuous evolution. Allow your goals to grow and change with you, always reflecting the woman you aspire to be. Embrace the process, celebrate each milestone, and savour the joy of becoming the best version of yourself. Here's to creating your dream life and your incredible journey ahead!

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"What do you want to be doing? How do you want your days to unfold? As you think about these things, write down the things that will need to happen for them to become a reality."


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Elisa Caleb

Owner of Paper Me Pretty, stationery lover, homeschooling mum and professional jazz singer.

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