
Three simple keys to increase your ability to achieve your goals. Discover how to achieve your goals faster in this post and get a free goal planner too!

How to Increase Your Goal Achievement

January 08, 20243 min read


After years of studying about goals, there's still one fact that blows my mind. It's so simple that it's often overlooked. And yet it has such a dramatic effect on whether you'll achieve your goal that you'd wonder why more people don't do it.

Many of us start the new year with a handful of New Years Resolutions. And perhaps, like many, you’ve found them difficult to keep. Maybe, come February, you're struggling to remember what all of your resolutions were.

My friend, you're not alone. And if you're wondering how you can get better at achieving your goals you're in the right place.

Since beginning my study on goals some years ago now, I've learnt a lot about maximising my goal achievement. And I’ve been able to get more things done because of this one thing…

1. Writing Goals Down on Paper

Three simple keys to increase your ability to achieve your goals. Discover how to achieve your goals faster in this post and get a free goal planner too!

‘What?? Is that all?’ you say. But hear me out on this, because I there's more to this than meets the eye.

The simple act of writing down your goals, according to a study by Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California, increases your goal achievement by a massive 42%!

Dr. Matthews carried out research on 297 participants which was focused on setting and achieving goals. Her participants were divided into 5 groups. The groups goal setting and achievement ranged from just thinking about your goals on one end, to writing them down along with action steps and sending weekly progress reports to a friend on the other.

What she discovered was that ‘those who wrote their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write their goals’.

This is something we do inside our membership here at Paper Me Pretty. Each month we do a LIVE goal planning session each month where I walk you through turning your goals into actionable steps and then getting those actions actually on your calendar. And we do all of this LIVE in our online goal planning session with our members!

Be sure to grab our Goal Planner here:

Get this Goal Planner FREE here!

But you can’t just write your goals down somewhere and forget about them. You need to actively and intentionally review them regularly! I know I definitely wasn’t doing that!!

In the groups studied, those who sent out progress reports every week achieved more than all the others. Their simple act of reviewing their goals and seeing how far they had gone each week was a key factor in keeping their goals front and centre. Which meant that they were more motivated to achieve their goals.

But wait! There’s more!

2. Super Boost Your Goal Achievement

Dr. Matthews also found that the group that had the most success with achieving their goals was the group that had someone to whom they were accountable.  This group sent weekly progress reports to a friend. The key in this scenario, is to be accountable to a supportive friend. Nothing will take the wind out of your sails faster than someone who is belittling your progress. Or who thinks your goal isn’t important.

If you want your goal to cross the finish line faster, find a friend who will support your efforts and cheer you on. Someone who will even remind you about your goal and ask about your progress.

Three simple keys to increase your ability to achieve your goals. Discover how to achieve your goals faster in this post and get a free goal planner too!

Also, try setting reminders for yourself each week to update your friend on your progress. Even on the weeks where you haven’t made any progress at all. By updating your friend every week, without fail, you’ll find that it motivates you to push forward even when the going gets tough!

So there you have it! Increase your goal achievement by 42% just by writing them down.

Friend, you are destined for great things – get them written down!

"Increase your ability to achieve your goals just by writing them down."


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Pin itThree simple keys to increase your ability to achieve your goals. Discover how to achieve your goals faster in this post and get a free goal planner too!

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Elisa Caleb

Owner of Paper Me Pretty, stationery lover, homeschooling mum and professional jazz singer.

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I’m a huge stationery fan, homeschool mum, and a professional jazz singer who began creating lists and sheets years ago to keep my busy life organised.

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