
Want to be more intentional about growing your faith? I've outlined 10 things you can do to grow your faith. Start one today!

10 Practical Ways to Grow Your Faith

July 10, 202310 min read


When I was a child, there was an old lady in my church who frequently had conversations with my mum after the service. Her hair was black and thick and had large areas of wirey grey swept up as neatly as she could manage into a bun at the top of her head.

I don’t remember her name. And her face is a blurry memory of wrinkly olive-brown skin. But one thing I can never forget is that every single time she spoke to my mother, she ALWAYS mentioned God.

It didn’t matter if the conversation was about the weather, or the Prime Minister, or the lunch that was awaiting us somewhere. Somehow, without fail, the conversation went back to God.

That nameless lady has become a mentor to me. Her unyielding devotion to her Lord is something I’ve always admired. And I found myself thinking – ‘When I grow up, I want to be like that old lady and have that kind of bold and steadfast faith.

I’m still working on it. But, God willing, I’ll get there someday.

If like me, you have a deep desire to grow your faith, you’re in the right place. Here are ten things you can do that will help grow your faith. Many of these are very simple and can be started today!

Okay! So let's get into these 10 practical tips!

1. Read the Bible alongside a commentary

When I studied Theology at Heythrop College, University of London, I fell in love with the campus library. It was THE most amazing library I had ever seen (possibly with the exception of the British Library). It had row upon row of amazing biblical commentaries, theological and philosophical literature, and a basement full of ancient, leather-bound, musky-smelling treasures.

I could spend hours there. And as I devoured the commentaries, I began seeing more and more things in my daily life through the eyes of the bible. Because I was devouring that literature, it caused thought processes to keep whirring through my mind. And a once fleeting verse like “Jesus wept.” (John 11v35) became pregnant with meaning and possibility.

I began to see simple things like a meal, the clothes I put on, and the words that came out of my mouth through the eyes of biblical commentary. And it shone a light on my life compared to Jesus’.

One way to grow your faith is to continually see your life compared to that of Jesus. It’s through the constant reminder of what he’s done and what he’s called us to that we can rise up to the purpose for which we’ve been called.


I'd also recommend looking into commentaries by David Pawson and The Cambridge Bible Commentary. There are lots to choose from!

2. Memorise scripture

Bible Verse Scripture Cards from Paper Me Pretty

These are Bible Verse Cards and Envelopes from our monthly Stationery Club.

This is a powerful tool. When Jesus was in the desert and faced Satan’s tempting, he responded each time with scripture. You and I can harness the power of God’s mighty ‘sword’ by memorising verses. Try memorising a verse a week or every fortnight. Memorise scripture with your family.

I use the Scripture Verses included in our monthly bundles. Firstly, because they're so pretty and come with new designs and scriptures each month. And secondly, because I can print them on to card and put them in different places. I use them in my planner, or as a bookmark, or simply post them up around my house!

If you'd like to download some Bible Verse cards right now, then grab our Taster Stationery Bundle FREE here 🤗:

Get our Taster Bundle of stationery FREE today!

3. Read a new devotional book

Sometimes, we need inspiration and a call to action from others. That’s what devotional books are to me. They are like the voices of my brothers and sisters in the faith urging me onwards in my marathon towards heaven. Different devotionals help different people. And I’m glad there are many voices out there to urge us on.

Books that have helped me include:


You can also use a devotional plan, like the ones available on the YouVersion Bible app. Using an app on your phone also means that you can spend some time in God’s word on your lunch break or when you’re out and about. What devotional will you next read?

4. Learn a little Hebrew or Greek

Now, before you pass this one off as a task for brainy professor-type people. Realise that fishermen spoke and wrote biblical Greek. The language isn’t difficult. In fact, many of the words we use in English today came from Greek; theology, alpha male, alphabet, phobia, hysteria, graphics and loads more. Plus, when you get to the root of even a single word in the original biblical language, it opens a floodgate of understanding of the scriptures.

One of the problems with reading the Bible in a translated language (that means English for you and me), is that we are missing out on a HUGE number of references, insinuations and details.

In modern-day Greece, baptisms require full immersion because the original word ‘baptizo’ means plunge or immersion. You couldn’t be sprinkled with water in Greece and be considered baptised.

When you can understand the original language, you are looking more intently at the literal words of God. For example, the Hebrew word for ‘listen’ is the same word for 'obey' and 'understand'. In English, we’ll use three words to convey these different meanings, but in Hebrew, when you told someone to listen you are really telling them to obey and to understand as well.

There's so much richness in the original language, and once you start peeling back the layers of what words mean, suddenly the bible opens up even more!

Here are a couple books to get you looking behind your English translation at the literal words of God.


5. Pray with another Christian on a regular basis

Pray with others to build your faith

Arrange to hook up with another Christian, either in person or on the phone and pray together.

The Bible says “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18v20)

  • Praying with another Christian is helpful for several reasons such as, but not limited to;

  • God is present with you when you pray together

  • Praying with another person builds your relationship with that person

  • Praying for others keeps you outwardly focused

  • Confessing your sins to another Christian helps to keep you humble

  • Giving thanks in prayer helps to keep you grateful

Can you think of one person you can pray with on a regular basis, whether that’s once a week, every fortnight or even once a month?

6. Attend all your church’s meetings

Immersing yourself in Christian fellowship, discussion and teaching has a knock-on effect. Just like in my point earlier about commentaries, when you proactively immerse your mind in biblical thinking, it’ll be hard not to grow your faith.

Attend as many meetings as you can. The key here is being transparent.

Of course, it’s possible to attend a church meeting seven days a week and remain placid to the plight of the poor. Or unmoved at the horror of your own sin. This happens in every church all over the world.

But if you are transparent with yourself and others, and allow the message of God’s word to sink in to your heart when being preached, or when having a crucial conversation with another Christian, it’s hard not to grow your faith because you’ll be constantly nudged towards action in one area or another. And God’s word, if you let it in, will accomplish what God desires and will not return empty (Isaiah 55v10-11).

Effectively, you’ll be constantly ‘spurred on toward love and good deeds’(Hebrews 10v24).

7. Sign up for an additional biblical class

If your church has extra Bible study classes, sign up. A disciple is a student. And as disciples of Jesus, we should make an effort to study.

If your church doesn’t have extra classes, see if there’s a short course or part-time Bible course you can enrol in at a Christian college or even online. Carve out some time in your diary to devote to understanding the Bible on a deeper level. Even for a short season.

If you can’t find any classes to enrol in or don’t have the funds for a formal course, do what I did and start a class yourself! Find a small group of people who might be interested in studying the Bible in more depth and decide what you will work through first. Kind of like a Bible book group! Or ask your church minister for a good book for group study. And then meet at a regular time even if it’s just two of you.

8. Keep a prayer journal

Having a record of what you’ve been praying about and how God has answered those prayers can really inspire your faith. It’s easy to forget our blessings and many answered prayers. But when we can look back and identify specific prayers that have been answered, it’s truly faith-building. God is powerful and constantly at work. Your prayer journal can help you see the many ways he’s been working in your life.

Add journaling to your Morning Routine! Grab our Morning Routine Workbook to help you create better mornings.

9. Write or colour Bible verses

I've been writing out a Bible verse every day for years now. And it's really been helped me, especially during periods where my faith struggled more (e.g. during the Covid pandemic), to get into my Bible every day.

And whether or not you’re into the whole mindfulness movement, colouring Bible verses is a great option to grow your faith for two reasons;

  • It causes you to slow down and be still (Psalm 46v10)

  • It causes you to meditate on the verse you are colouring (Psalms 1v2 and 77v12)

Why not add a little colouring session to your quiet times? Or keep a colouring book and pens in your car so that you can reflect on God’s word whilst waiting for your kid to finish their ballet/swimming/kung fu class?

10. Take “Action Notes” at church


Pictured above is our Estella Notebook

I just made that term up, but what I mean is very simple. When you are taking notes during the sermon, highlight at least one action that you can implement in the week ahead.

I like to write in a notebook (because I’m a stationery lover), and I carry a little pencil case with me that has highlighters and coloured pens.

At the end of the sermon, just go through your notes and circle or highlight a single action that you can do during the week. Then reflect on that action in your quiet times during the week. What can you do this week to complete a God-given assignment?

This does two things;

  • It causes you to listen with intent during the sermon as you’ll be looking for a point to take away and implement

  • It helps you grow your faith during the week as you purposefully try to act on God’s word that was preached to you.

So there you have it, 10 practical ways to grow your faith and help bring your everyday conversation back to God. Which one could you start to nurture a bold and steadfast faith this week? Do you have some other practical ways to grow your faith? I’m all ears!

"Growing your faith is a lifelong journey."


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Elisa Caleb

Owner of Paper Me Pretty, stationery lover, homeschooling mum and professional jazz singer.

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I’m a huge stationery fan, homeschool mum, and a professional jazz singer who began creating lists and sheets years ago to keep my busy life organised.

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